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for multi-passionate leaders
well known in their field
You’re a multi-passionate powerhouse who has “their sh*t together.” You’ve done all-the-things! Perhaps that's therapy, yoga, and self-help books to get HERE and it’s not working anymore. Been there, done that.
Now you’re ready for dedicated 1:1 support on an energetic level. Why?
- feel confident in your leadership -- your outside-the-box thinking isn’t for everyone but you’re not like everyone, are you?
- understand how to access Akashic Intelligence -- so you know the difference between guidance and self-doubt.
- expand your Spiritual connection beside someone who "gets" you -- and can help you navigate the Akasha.
Imagine you’re on a mountain, hiking toward a beautiful sacred site. You notice the winding paths are pretty narrow as you get higher and higher. You start to feel a little out of your comfort zone. Then you notice the drop. Your heart starts racing and you need to stop and crouch down and catch your breath. And you hear the birds and you see the trees but all of a sudden it's too much, it’s all too much, what the heck are you doing hiking here anyway?!
Now you’re thinking, “I can’t keep going. I can’t do this.” This literally happened to me.
You're already on the other side, so... what’s stopping you in your tracks?
- You could have shame and guilt around letting go of your old self -- because people rely on you and you don't want to let them down.
- You might feel resistance around getting help -- taking leaps alone is familiar and you "don't really need much."
- You may have too many opinions coming your way -- and it's hard to discern your own thoughts & feelings from the noise.
When you have a lot of people depending on you, it can be scary to do the brave thing. It might seem easier to stick to the “plan” or the “old” way. But there's no turning back ... you took the leap...
because your Spirit is AWAKE.
I’ve walked beside Emmy winners, Public Figures, & High Profile Mystics...
...who are here to make a difference.
And they keep coming back because I help guide them toward the next level on that journey.
you're not doing this alone anymore.
How I do what I do...
I get the high stakes involved in personal transformation when the public is watching and people are relying on you.
How I show up for myself, is how I show up for those who feel called to work with me:
- Non-denominational higher guidance via the Akashic Records.
- Energy activations to help you upgrade your internal "software."
- Supportive connection as you integrate this deeper remembrance.
Now imagine this: as you’re about to quit and turn back, someone who’s walked this path before holds out her hand and says, “let’s walk together.” Then you turn the bend and suddenly there it is! The sacred place. And you burst into tears, because it’s joy you feel. At the birds. At the trees. At the damn hike you took even though you’re from the city and how the heck are you even in nature right now?
And you’re laughing because wow, this is so f*ing beautiful! THIS IS MY LIFE!
This is what sprouted for me on the side of a mountain hike to the monastery Katholiko on Crete. And my biggest reminder was that the journey back to myself, answering my soul’s call again and again is the most sacred journey of all.
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